Single Use Breathalyser
Covers all UK limits - Single Pack
Single pack – contains 1 breathalyser
Quick and easy to use. The only single use breathalyser in the world to accurately alert the user at three different alcohol levels covering all limits in place in the UK and Ireland, including the lower Scottish limit:
- – 0.2BAC for the Irish Professional Driver and Eastern Europe Limits
- – 0.5BAC for the Scottish, Irish and Continental European Limit
- – 0.8BAC for the English and Welsh limit
Don’t Drink and Drive. The most technically advanced single use disposable breathalyser in the world. No larger than a cigarette. Its the ONLY single use product to accurately alert at more than one level of intoxication with Police level accuracy.
These inexpensive breathalysers are now widely used and approved. They could save you from legal problems, accidents or something more fatal. Carry a pack in your cab to be on the safe side.
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